Monday, October 06, 2014

Bathroom question

"What's on my butt, mommy?" asked Nova in a very puzzled voice.

We were in the bathroom; he had just sat unproductively on the potty for 5mins to earn some tv time, and I was trying to get a new pull-up on him. He takes the opportunity to explore his nether regions during these nekkid times, and had his hands on/around his butt as he asked the question.

Kinda afraid of what I might find, I had him turn around, saw nothing unusual, and told him so. 

"Buttcheeks. I have buttcheeks on my butt, mommy," he then informed me.


I have a joker! 

:) <3

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Wake up, fish!

Miss Carole was in town! A church/preschool had a MacaroniFest fundraiser that featured Carole Petersen/Stevens. I found out about it that morning, and resolved to get the kids there. We made it, but wow was it stressful.

At first, there were crafts for the kids -- I think it was Nev's first time wielding a bottle of glue -- she did it with such glee Miss Carole herself came up to me and commented laughingly on Nev's enthusiasm :)

Dinner was a frantic affair, the kids barely ate any of the pasta even the usual guaranteed mac n cheese (of course, they'd never had it from Noodles & Co, might have been to salty?). They were probably over stimulated too.

Then the concert started ... Nev and I spent most of the time watching/participating. Nova, on the other hand, kept running in and out of the room and earned himself a whole bunch of time-outs (administered by Kosh, who happened to get out of work early enough to come with -- without him I have no idea how I would have coped!).

Bottom left: their first taste of ice cream, can you tell if they liked it? ;)

Purchased Stinky Cake to complement the already-known-by-heart Sticky Bubble Gum CD we already have. It hasn't taken long for these new songs to also embed themselves into our hearts / minds / dreams.

<3 A friend's kid made a comment about being in a castle (it's a church, which can certainly seem like a castle to young'uns, definitely) -- Nova and Nev have since embraced that concept, and enthusiastically look for the castle we were at whenever we drive around town ... and are also convinced we shared that castle with Rapunzel that evening :) <3

And now for why I'm fnally prompted to blog about Miss Carole... First, watch this video:
(It's not Miss Carole nor her version in the video, but it's one of the songs that was immediately a favorite of the kids)

Then check this one out:

And finally, this one:

(I apologize for not properly embedding the videos -- I'll try to do that when I'm at a laptop/computer and not squinting at my phone!).


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Weekend survival

Housebound. Nova is running a fever (nowhere near as bad as his sister on Tuesday/Wednesday, though, thankfully!). And it's cold anyway, so Mommy's gotta get the grumpy out of her system (I am *not* a fan of the cold... and it's only mid-September... ugh) before she'll willingly go out in such weather :p

So... Indoor distractions ...

Here's what occupied them for a good ten minutes: match the outline w the object.

Now to find other things to do so we won't kill each other before the day is through... :)

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Books that stayed with me in some way

Making its way around FB is this list of ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Here's my stab at it.

1. The Mists of Avalon (Marion Zimmer Bradley) -- amazing retelling of the Arthurian legend from a priestess' perspective.

2. Foucault's Pendulum (Umberto Eco) -- opened my mind to the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and I seriously didn't know if this really was a work of fiction.

3. The Historian (Elizabeth Kostova) -- Dracula story within a story within a story told via letters and flashbacks

(Which reminds me of...)

4. Blood Groove (Alex Bledsoe) -- refreshing disturbingly awesome vampire tale (I so need to reread this!)

5. A Crown of Swords (Robert Jordan) -- "what? It's not over yet? How long *is* this series??!"

6. The Story of My Experiments with Truth (Mohandas Gandhi) -- I'd not actually known much about him, so reading this was eye opening, mind blowing.

7. IT (Stephen King) -- the only book that had me afraid of what might be under my bed.

8. The Stand (Stephen King) -- something about being sodomized w a gun barrel can make quite an impression on an innocent mind...

9. American Gods (Neil Gaiman) -- magnificent look at "gods" in these modern times

10. Chariots of the Gods? (Erich Von Daniken) -- read this in my very late teens, and my view of religions has never been the same.

So there you have it. 

Feel free to leave a link in comments to your own list. If I have the time I'll take a look.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014


Adjusting to Nova being in school daily ... on one hand he's out of my hair EVERY DAY! On the other hand it's only for 2.5 hrs total, and if you include travel to/from I barely have 2hrs each morning ...  

(Prior to this, I had him in daycare three days a week) 
(very fortunate, but also, very $$ draining)
(so when the opportunity to have him in a free-to-us well-rated school came up, it was a no-brainer) 
(I just knew we'd be making quite an adjustment...)
(... and that's what we're doing this week (and beyond... This'll take us a while...!))

Yesterday I was in the middle of laundry when I realised I was going to be late getting him!!  Yeeesh!

So today I'm pretending I don't have anything to do, and am getting a pedicure to pass the time to his pickup.

Between this, and the parking hassle at dropoff/pickup, I'm wondering if I should reconsider my no-bussing stance... 

... that'll be another post for another day :p

Tuesday, September 02, 2014


... they keep growing!

Nova's off to pre-K today.

Next time I'll make the sign a whole lot clearer :p

Monday, September 01, 2014



"No, lellow!"

"No, yewwow!"

... Nova and Nev correcting each other's pronunciation of "yellow".

I need this on tape!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I was moved

Today I was moved to type some supportive words to two friends, relatively new ones (SPI-based, so 5+ years), not close at all really, but I have some fondness/connection/affinity for them for one reason or another ... both sent cries for help** out on FB today ... (** okay maybe not outright cries for help... but let's just say, I empathised with both their written and unwritten words, and was moved to respond with empathy, love and support.

It felt good.

Then it turned / I turned it into something else. Judging myself of narcissism. For needing self validation. Viewing my feeling good about it as a kind of *desperate* self-validation.

Underneath it all, it felt like a small child desperately wanting acknowledgment that "See? I *can* do good. I could matter."

Because a part of me was told / came to believe that I (she) doesn't matter.
That I was never good enough.

(Too Malay.)
(Not Malay enough.)
(and so many and so much more....)

And I feel my brain and heart skitter skitter skitter away.

So today, I also will be spending time with that piece of me. Hugging. Reassuring. Showing her what we've done, what we've achieved, where we are, how we matter. At the same time acknowledging her, and her fears, her hurt, her resentment, her confusion. Her hurt. That's a huge one.

I turn 42 soon. As good an age as any to help my inner children heal, perhaps even assimilate.

I have been broken, so. long.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

In some ways we are different...

The rational mind knows, in theory, that every kid is different. Yet I can't help but use Nova as an assumption/template for Nev. And of course I get reminded often how that set of assumptions/expectations do nothing except give me a sense of structure that really doesn't apply.

That's a lot of words to set up this post, haha.

With Nova, I was on the lookout for self-undressing, and poopy Picasso-ing. He never showed any inclination for this. I still kept him in onesies as long as I could. It's only now, at a little over 3 years old, he's started to Al Bundy himself.

Now, Nev ... she's been thrusting hands down her pants for a while already. There was once she did a sleep poopy Picasso -- I thought that was snot on her hand and nose when I got her that morning *shudder*. She also has taken her pants off so often already (Nova has yet to do that). 

So today she not only took off her pants, but did a valiant job putting them back on.

I <3 these kids :)

Thursday, July 17, 2014


I've not properly blogged in a long long time.

A huge part of it is of course, the kids. Having a 13-month gap between kids makes for a tough time. Having kids just barely that side of 40 also doesn't help. There *is* light at the end of the tunnel, though. Things are getting better. I can start to breathe again.

That said ... the past six months (or year, or three) have been tough in ways I never anticipated.

You know, a big reason I had no inclination for tying the knot was I grew up in an environment where ... how shall I put this ... there were huge issues simmering / stagnating between my parents, making for a very uncomfortable environment to grow up in general, what more for someone who now acknowledges she is highly sensitive / empathic? How much of my internal dialogue was shaped by trying to deal with the (negative) energy I sensed but did not understand? How much of my internalizing, my shutting down and shutting out, stems from my trying to navigate a mire of emotions not even my own?

I survived because I drew a cloak of anger around myself.

I also grew up protected. All-girls school. Malay/sian culture, even in the city, still is pretty prudish, conservative. I was way too unfamiliar with hormones, guys, ... and doing things for myself -- I realise I had a hard time figuring out where *i* stood because the school system along with how I was raised produced someone who was used to being told what to do, what to think. Yes, I rebelled ... but I didn't go all the way to finding my own voice. That came later.

Much much later.

I was raped when I went out on one of my first dates in the US. As soon as I make that statement, even in my own head (I've only said it out loud maybe twice), I always find myself downplaying it: "It was just frottage, though." Yeah. I was lucky. I'm being sarcastic, but that is also how I feel -- it could have been a lot worse. What was really bad at the time was, I was a bundle of unidentified emotions, I had NO IDEA to process what had just happened, but was also fueled by the Asian desire to not rock the boat, so I just clamped down on it all, internalized, put on a brave face, carried on. Do you know it took me a few years to figure out that I had been raped??

I had continued to date the guy (I'll call him JNC) -- it was a tumultuous relationship. It ended badly. Sometime after it was over (I think - we were on again off again for a while), and I had realised what had happened was rape, and it was eating me up inside, and I got drunk enough one night at a house party* and for some reason decided to call him up and get him to agree that he had, in fact, raped me. I think he acknowledged it. I can't be sure. Alcohol sure makes things fuzzy. I don't think it helped. (it = alcohol, the "confrontation", whatever).

I muddle along in life ... a trend I notice is I gravitate towards "strays" ... forgive me for the use of condescending terms - that is how I talk to myself: always with half-sneering lips and a sarcastic raised eyebrow. I gravitated towards hurt souls. People I could take care of -- because taking care of others meant I didn't need to take care of myself. I care deeply for others. Just don't cross me. Then you are dead to me. But that's another story. Tangentially.

I had a significant other who was oh so jealous. So so SO so jealous. She was insecure in her status as a lesbian with a previously hetero partner, and that fear translated into a majorly green-eyed monster. Mind games. Guilt. I remember we were in the early stages of planning a trip to the US, and she asked me if, if I had the opportunity to do so, would I look up JNC? I didn't know any better at the time, so I answered honestly - well yeah, I would. We ended badly, he was in a really bad place, and I worried about him (see "strays" statement) even though I had no romantic feelings for him. Oh my. "How could you say that to me?" "You don't love me: no one who loves someone else would ever say that." "If you love him so much go lah and see him." ... and I'm like whaaaaa?? Did you even hear me? Anyways, so me and *her* had a tumultuous relationship also, would you have guessed. Harhar. I put up with a lot, but anger built up and up and up, and in the end, her victorious smirk on the ER bed was the final straw, and I finally "saw" her. If only it had been the end - but at least it was the beginning of the much-needed end.


This is just a tiny taste of all the thoughts, the memories, that swirl around in my head. These things have helped shape me. Define me.

Through it all -- patterns emerge: not just the strays thing. the procrastination. the beating myself up inside. letting others do the same. even when I *know* I am better than that. It's as if I needed to always hit rock bottom before I found the inner core of steel that would then get me to claw back up to where I needed to go -- whether it's a work deadline, a relationship, a project, whatever.

Fast forward to now: I took the plunge, got married, had kids (and there's so much to type about all that, but this is not the blogpost for that) ... and and the end of last year/early this year, everything within and without finally took its toll. The camel's back was finally broken.

That cloak of anger was no longer a cloak: heck it was full-body Spanx!!

I was afraid for the kids. I was afraid for my sanity.

I briefly considered happy pills.

But that inner core said that was a path we didn't want to take.

So I went with other methods ... down a path of self-exploration ... working on self-acceptance, self-love (get your mind out of the gutter) (another symptom of my past that needs working on) (everything in its own time). I have been seeking for a long time - religions have never resonated with me. Other paths I also tried, but didn't quite resonate. Until now, where I focus on myself -- and bits and pieces from all those places I've sought come together in different ways, in a way making a tapestry all of my own .. now for me to wrap myself up in THIS new cloak ...

A theme that now emerges -- the image of me huddled, and another me, a soft-white me, hugging that huddled self. The safety and love that I feel in that hug, I am/have been transmitting to my kids via my own hugs to them. it is a relief that at least my relationship with them has hope, that I'm not too far gone to salvage, repair, enhance, embrace them. That it's *me* hugging myself -- that's also significant. I'll come back to that later.

......... and that's about all my muse wants to share today.

Don't hold your breath, it might be a while before I have the time and inclination for another deep post like this one.

There *may* be random kids pix, though. (for the two people I know who would still see this post, lol!)

Thank you for reading.

(Thank you, muse, for helping get this out)

(explanation of this post's title: I am "coming out" on three different subjects in this post, did you catch them all?)

* house party: I was a member of a co-ed chemistry fraternity, lived in the chapter house, and we held parties there pretty often.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Insomnia sucks

I think we went to bed at a reasonable (to us) time ...

1.45am: jolted wide awake by Nova crying something about "Get me out" ... Kosh went to investigate ... and found Nova ~under~ his bed??!! Of course Nev woke up with all this... Kosh calmed them down, left the room ... 

Then Nev starts wailing about losing her binky (oh how I hate that thing) ... 

I intervene ... I stay a while ... I leave ...

She wails ... and wails ... and wails ... finally quietens down

.... and sleep totally eludes me the rest of the night.

I'm going to be Red Light Mommy all bloody day, looks like.

Poor kids.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

For Lin

I couldn't help but title this as ...

"Ball and wheels with Nev"

I hope all who celebrate it had a great Easter.


Thursday, January 09, 2014

Working out

Yesterday Nova and I spent about 4 hours at the Y, for two 30min sessions. 

This hugely inefficient use of time was mainly due to having to sit in the lobby and feed him breakfast (before child watch opened, so *i* could work out), and lunch (after his swim, so he could pass out in the car w/o my having to wake him for food when we got home).

The nap didn't last as long as I would have hoped. Gotta fine tune my strategy, for both our sakes!

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Another year passes by ...

... and *sneeze!* here I am brushing *cough cough* the dust *aaaacchhhooooo!* off of this blog *blows nose* ... it won't be pretty, bc I'll be posting short updates from my *aaaaaaaaahhhhhh* phone, *ccchhhhoooooooooo!* it's the only way I communicate with anyone nowadays.

.... and I *need* to write more than you need it to be pretty, methinks.

Welcome, 2014!

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...