Monday, September 21, 2009

Emmys Schemmys!

Back when I was a teenager, I did watch the Grammys for a year or three... but in general I really couldn't be bothered with all those award shows, acceptance speeches, etc etc. This year is no different: even knowing that Dr Horrible was being honored even if it's not technically a tv show (it was, after all, a 3-part web series) didn't move me to watch the Emmys tonight. I knew Neil Patrick Harris was hosting, but I've not gone out of my way to be a fan, tho I did enjoy his horribility in said web series.

... and I'm glad that when NPH's evil alter ego hijacked the Emmys live feed, folks were smart enough to make it available online so that people like me could enjoy it without having had to sit through all those acceptance speeches, etc.

So in case you missed it, here's Dr Horrible's hijacking of this year's Emmys:

And in case you have been residing under a really large and heavy rock, here's where you can get acquaint yourself with the horrible goodness that is Dr Horrible.

Have a great start to the week, y'all!

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  1. That probably was the best part of the award show. Katie didn't get it because she hasn't seen Dr. Horrible yet. But now she's interested because she knows and loves everyone in it (save for Felicia Day who she doesn't know). But she knows the other three.

  2. This was actually not so excruciating to watch. I had no intention of watching but flipped over & stayed tuned. This was the funniest part of the show (but I'm disappointed Captain Hammer didn't mention that "Castle" premieres at 10 tonight ;)).

  3. I watched the Emmy show and thought the Dr. Horrible skit was fine and certainly better than listening to the accountants talk--although I'd never heard of Horrible. NPH did a good job of keeping the awards show on time. It ended exactly at 10!

  4. kapgar: I can't tsk tsk tsk Katie for not knowing (of) Felicia Day -- I'd heard/read mentions of her by Wil Wheaton and Pat Rothfuss many times, and while I knew she had been in Buffy Season 7 as one of the Slayerettes, well, she was one of many Slayerettes! I'm having a slight geek-crush on her now, tho, LoL!

    Steph: I've heard god things about Capt Tightpants (*grin!*) in Castle... Season 1 is on my too-long Netflix queue, not sure when we'll make our way there, tho!

    Patricia: I've seen rave reviews on NPH's hosting skills (tho I also hear that compared to last year, ~any~one would seem better, LoL!); that's another reason I don't bother with these award shows - they go on and on and on and on...!


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...