Friday, July 08, 2022

Hello there, try #37,256

Testing, testing, one two three years? 

Yeah, three years since my last post. And who knows how long since I last posted regularly? I used to blog daily. Hoping to get back into the habit. Facebook has stolen so many posts that belonged here. I also need to get back into a daily writing habit. Old school attempts with pen and paper peter out reapidly. So here I am. Better to spend some time in front of the laptop screen, I'm sure my doomscrolling on FB won't mind. 

What's new? So many things. I'm now flying solo, with two kids in tow. They are now 10 & 11 years old. The older one is starting Junior High / 6th Grade come August. 

The kids, December 2021

They say time flies when you're having fun. I disagree. Time flies whether you like it or not. The past couple of years have NOT been fun. I'm better off than I ever was, however, so there's that.

Biggest recent news is I'm participating in a collaborative book about COVID experiences, and when that gets released, I'll be a published author! Yes, it counts. And yes, this is one of the reasons I'm pushing myself to write daily again: I have many stories inside me, maybe I can finally get them out into the world. 

In the meantime? Getting through every day while trying to make progresss, however infinitesimal, towards goals relating to fitness, friends, faith, financials, field, family and fun.

Type at you tomorrow. Or Monday. It's a busy weekend. 

Friday July 8 2022 9:45 am CST

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back! One tip, try to take one post that you would otherwise leave on Facebook and put it here instead. Don’t worry about replies and likes. Just do it.

    Tried to login to leave this comment but it won’t verify my Google account and keeps telling me I have an invalid URL when I comment using name/URL. I think the system here is so old it doesn’t know what to do with secure-HTTP. Might wanna look into a new comment system or new blogware entirely if you keep going with this. Didn’t realize Blogspot was still alive.



I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...