Sunday, December 26, 2010

This isn't technically a book blog, and yet...

... be prepared for Life After Work to feature a lot more book reviews next year. After all, you *do* know books/reading are an important part of my life, in addition to the food and random navel-gazing that also gets featured here, right? LoL!

You may remember that I recently signed up for the 2011 Stephen King Challenge; while I had the time, I dropped by to visit the other participants, sometimes leaving a comment, often just lurking :)

During one of those visits, I stumbled across another reading challenge that I figured I might as well sign up for: Midnight Book Girl's 2011 Read Me, Baby, 1 More Time Challenge!

If you were paying attention, you'd know that the main reason I signed up for the Stephen King Challenge was because I was going to be rereading the Dark tower series anyway. Key word being REreading. Which is the focus of Midnight Book Girl's challenge. And having the same book cater to other challenges is fine, so wheee! :)

In 2011, I anticipate reading at least all 7 Dark Tower books, and Three talisman-related books: The Talisman, Black House, and The Eyes of the Dragon. That totals 10: already the Back to The Future level of the challenge! Whee! Count me in!

Sadly, these may be the only books I do read next year, or even for a long long time: come June 2011, it's going to be a busy time for me, what with hopefully getting fully licensed as a Massage Therapist *and* having a major life event anticipated to occur right about then too.

Fun times, fun times.

Stick around and cheer me on, k? :)

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  1. I've kinda given up on Stephen King books so I won't be taking part in this challenge. But I wouldn't munch finding another, more generic, challenge.

  2. Hi Kev,
    Given up on SK? ... Did you ever get into the Dark Tower series? The Stand? ... I totally understand if you're saying that based on his more recent works, tho. ... And i know you don't reread books so this rereading challenge won't work for you. Turns out there are plenty of other book challenges out there, among the book bloggers: just explore some of the links at my two hosts' blogs and you might find something you like... of course, if I replied earlier you might have a chance to explore before the new year starts... sorry, procrastination is one of my middle names! :) Happy new year!! :D


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...