Monday, January 25, 2010

Chronic EarWorm solved!

What's an EarWorm? In a nutshell, it's a song that you just can't get out of your head. I've had a case of chronic earworm for many years now, where a song I used to love almost a decade ago but haven't heard for many years -- therefore have forgotten lyrics and singer, but not the tune! -- would keep popping up in my head at odd times over the past few years: I would get a snatch of the tune here, or a tantalizing snippet of almost-lyrics there.

Last week the earworm struck again, and this time I decided to enlist the power of Big Brother Google. It started with keywords 'Indonesian song, cinta [Eng: love] (because every song has that word, LoL!), 1999 or 2000' which brought forth Anggun, whom I had also forgotten but wasn't who I was looking for, but it helped loosen my memory somewhat because 'pergi saja [Eng: just go (away)]' sidled itself into my brain -- finally, a small part of the earworm's lyrics! Adding that to the mix, one or two searches later Big Brother Google pointed me in the right direction.

Here's what's been haunting me for so long... (you don't have to watch the video, it's ~so~ dated-looking, and kinda distracting from the haunting song itself)

Here are the lyrics for you to sing along to :)

Kris Dayanti's Menghitung Hari song lyrics from

If you follow me on Facebook you might have seen the cry for help regarding one particular word from the above lyrics, and the many (sometimes contradicting) replies from my Malaysian pals. I explore putik vs putih a little more at a malaysian abroad, do drop by, k?

So now I have the identity of my chronic earworm solved! Doesn't mean I've gotten the song out of head: if nothing else, I've only made it worse, because guess what was playing non-stop while I initially typed this post last week? :p

Hey, at least the earworm will no longer be a memory of a haunting melody but instead can manifest loudly with voice and lyrics!

Wait, is that really a good thing?


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...