Here are some folk I'd like to add to the "We've Met!" blogroll:
- @bluefox864 A lifesaver at the Tweet-Up, a regular Bloody Mary Mafioso, and I'm pretty sure he has a (neglected) blog...
- @delami713 one of the first persons & familiar face I ran to (almost literally) at the Tweet-Up, and a regular Bloody Mary Mafioso.
- @inkedgiff A lifesaver at the Tweet-Up
- @JSpaghetti blogs at Jeannette Eats Spaghetti
- @lilbarmes A lifesaver at the Tweet-Up
- @lisawhelpley blog at Lisa's By The Book Blog and is a member of Springfield Moms
- @matthew_ryan A lifesaver at the Tweet-Up, and blogs at The Horseshoe
- @mochamomma well MochaMomma's already on the list, but I've got to give a shoutout to her because she has been instrumental in my not being a total social recluse. Seriously. Thanks dearie!!
- @RoddWhelpley hubby to @lisawhelpley
- @thejeffnevins A lifesaver at the Tweet-Up, and is a member of m4bk
- @thepatrick75 Saw him in his skivvies well before officially meeting, LoL! He was Brad in the Rocky Horror Show, and is a member of m4bk, and *gasp!* has a MySpace page.
And actually I've "met" more folk at the Tweet-Up, but didn't really have much chat time, so in my mind they don't count.
My objective is to add lots more names to both lists -- always quality over quantity! -- ... preferably without assaulting my default introvertedness too much! :D
Wish me (good) luck with that...
btw, there's an impromptu tweet-up tonight (brainchild of Jeanette!) in combination with the CD release party of a local band, Music for Big Kids (@m4bk). And that photo? Proof that I'm studying for it. Yes, I'm a freak.
Have a great weekend!
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Look at those lists!! Wow! I'm glad you are doing so well down there.