Friday, November 19, 2004

What is a Thylacine?

Clicking around Yahoo!News today brought me to an unusual article about a "Tasmanian Tiger." When I read the first few paragraphs, I was thinking "Oh my, this sounds like the hunt for bigfoot or something"... imagine: a creature with the head of a wolf, the pouch of a kangaroo and the stripes of a tiger?! Well it blew my mind to know this creature actually DOES exist (or HAD existed, depending what you think).

... have spent the last few minutes searching for pictures/photos on this animal... thot I'd share them with you... for your own education, dear reader :-) I think it's amazing to come across reference to an animal I never knew ever existed!!

For a short page to get you started, click here or take the Tasmanian Tour.

For a much more comprehensive guide to this animal, check out The Thylacine Museum which labels itself as an online reference guide to the thylacine. Its mainpage is rather busy, but here are some noteworthy pages:

  • The Fleay Photograph: excellent photo of a thylacine, in particular because it captures a thylacine showing off its ability to open its mouth to an unusually large width

  • A page devoted to Benjamin, the last captive thylacine. See more pictures, and read up on the history surrounding Benjamin and her (yes, her) captivity.

  • I havent even attempted to check out the films they have... (i have no faith in dial-up ; it sux :-p ) anyone with DSL/broadband can probably enjoy this feature better.

ok folks, so that's your trivia education for today :-D

1 comment:

  1. Good trivia education. Continue with it. Had read all your articles. Cheers from sha'arin cdu.


about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...