Monday, August 01, 2005

From "flesh&blood" to "metaphysical meteors"?

Just got done with re-reading (after 6 years?) Alan F Alford's Gods of the New Millennium: Scientific Proof of Flesh & Blood Gods.

It was good to refresh my memory of what I vaguely remembered: that many tales about the 'God' of the Jews/Christians/Muslims are actually about flesh and blood gods that came to Earth via Planet X, and that the tale of Adam and Eve, the unusual longevity of pre- and early post-Flood patriarchs could be attributed to genetic engineering; and oh so many other things! What is put forth in this book is so much more coherently put together than let's say the less coherent claims by Erich von Daniken.

My favourite will remain the author's hypothesis of the Nazca Plains' etchings to be a combination of a god's art, and acts of vandalism by rebelling slaves, who hijacked the god's low-flying laser-equipped aircraft and doodled on the plains.

Makes you smile, doesn't it?

At the end of the book, the author noted that he planned to establish a website related to new developments arising from this book. I don't think I checked it out the last time I made it to the end of the book (I was less-internet-inclined at that time); so I checked it out here:

And I was flabbergasted to see that Alan Alford has essentially totally retracted his thesis of flesh-and-blood gods! Wow... that takes courage! In fact, his website includes a chapter-by-chapter critique of his Gods of the New Millennium book, where in a few places he states that what he wrote was 'pure nonsense.' I find his candor truly amazing!

I don't quite get his new hypothesis though: from what I could make out from the website, he now believes in an 'exploding planet' premise, and the gods previously interpreted to be flesh and blood are actually metaphysical representations of gods; gods who are actually asteroids or meteors that have fallen to Earth due to the exploding planet. Hmmmmm... ooooookaaaaayyyyy........

... pity the local library system doesn't have any of his more recent books :-( It's such an about-turn, I *have* to see for myself what he's pushing now! Grrrrrrr!!! Oh well, maybe a solution will present itself later. In the meantime, well, I got lots of other books to read :D


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...