Saturday, April 28, 2007


Seeing this made me want to scream "DUH!!!":
Intelligence not linked to wealth, according to US study

Wed Apr 25, 8:15 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Intelligence has nothing to do with wealth, according to a US study published Tuesday which found that people with below average smarts were just as wealthy as those with higher IQ scores.
"Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth. And being very smart does not protect you from getting into financial difficulty," Zagorsky said.

The study confirmed previous research which has shown that smarter people tend to earn more money, but pointed out there is a difference between high pay and overall wealth.

Ugh, I thought it was already a given that what we term "IQ" is a woefully inadequate measure of a person! I'm sure we all know someone who may not have a great IQ but is totally people-smart, word-smart, creative-smart, handy-smart, resilient-smart, adaptable-smart, etc, and doing quite well for themselves tyvm. There's so much more to a person that that one number!

I'll concede that looking purely at income, a high IQ will likely have you drawing a higher paycheck. But how you manage your income - whether high or low in quantity - indicates a certain amount of money-smarts. And how much *beyond* "quantity of pay" and "likelihood of financial difficulties" did they go in defining "wealth" anyway?

And to what end, really?

But I suppose I'm looking at things from a much larger perspective: they are looking at pay vs wealth and are focusing on moolah, while I'm thinking of happiness and satisfaction, and how dependent these are on attitude and mindset.

I wonder how much $$ went into this study....


  1. Hi Lynn, thank you for dropping by my blog. Haven't been updating it for a while ever since job has been tough. Nice blog you have too! ;)

  2. That's actually one of the dumbest studies I've seen in recent months, seriously.


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...