This morning, the cat had a huge case of the hissy fits.
This had happened once before, and it had been really disconcerting for me to be
jolted out of bed by
loud thudding in the back room. Kosh had been closer by when it happened, and reported he'd heard
hissing too.

The cat was totally freaked out, tail all poofed up and all. Based on the sound, we wondered if the cat had trapped herself in one of the many boxes and freaked herself as she struggled to get out.
A few days later, we found out the real reason:
During another hissy fit, Kosh caught sight of a cat batting at
our cat through the window screen!
That was the thudding sound we had heard ... well that
and the noise made by our cat freaking out on the window sill, batting back and retreating.
I'll have to check with Kosh about the outside cat's coloring, because now I'm not sure
which of today's two visitors that one was.
That's right.

This morning, this
orange tom came a-visiting, stalking up almost to the window as our cat hissed up a storm, scaring the bejeesus out of me as I sat nearby.
The sight of me halted the tom before he reached the window; after engaging me in a staring contest (he won, of course), he then retreated to the stairs where he proceeded to ignore me, back turned, while our poor cat sniffed and sniffed the air coming in through the window for his scent, hissing every once in a while, and overall acting quite put out.
But then Mr Orange Tom left, so the cat and I settled back to our preferred locations - she on the window sill, and me at the computer 2 feet away from her.

The next thing I know there are
loud yowls and
thudding screens and our
radio tumbles down as the cat
scrambles away from yet another visitor, this time a darker striped cat.
Not sure if it was male, this one - it didn't immediately strike me as male, anyway. Silly me, I tend to observe the shape of the face and hips, instead looking for the telltale balls!
So with this visitor, our cat was
extremely frazzled. In the end, she stalked off to the front of the apartment. Don't blame her at all, heck ~i~ had a case of major heart thumpage going on just from having been closeby when it all went down!
Figuring the poor thing could do with some attention -- once she'd calmed down, that is! -- I ended up giving her about 30mins of lap time accompanied by major purrage (her, not me!) while I watched some tv.
She's not come back to the window sill yet, though.
Poor thing.