Monday, August 22, 2005

of women, time and money ...

Kinda funny.. I got this in the mail earlier today:

... hmmmm, got this on my b-day...

... from an ex-boss ???

heeheheheheh! no worries, this was in my inbox BEFORE my little poke at my ex-employer and its alleged petty bonus issues *phew!* teehee!

aaaanyway.... I thot the saying was "money is the root of all EVIL"??

Then again... to have the conclusion as "WOMEN = EVIL" would be quite... bad... to say the least... Even this, as it stands, subtly propagates misogyny, does it not? Sure, one could be offended, but I choose to take it humourously, so there. Hopefully noone out there (of my reader(s) at least) is gonna take it seriously either!

Ok that's the "quality" blog for the day... buh-byeeeeeeeee!!


  1. Woman = Evil
    Yes, I believe so..
    *evil laughter*

  2. Nice blog, see you at internet.
    And nice post about women.

  3. Definily 1972 was a good year ;)

    greetings from Spain fom another 72er


  4. I have now posted "the other side" of the coin here:


  5. I found one in the same vein, but not about women:

    Dilbert's Theorem on Salary

    Dilbert's Theorem on Salary states that Engineers, Teachers, Programmers and Scientists can never earn as much salary as business executives and sales people. This theorem can now be supported by a mathematical equation based on the following 3 postulates:

    Postulate1: Knowledge is Power (Knowledge=Power)

    Postulate2: Time is Money (Time=Money)

    Postulate3: Power=Work/Time (elementary Physics)

    It therefore follows:
    and since
    we have:
    Knowledge= Work/Money

    Solving for Money, we get:

    Money= Work/Knowledge

    Thus, as knowledge approches Zero, Money approaches Infinity, regardless of the amount of work done.

    The less you know, the more you make!


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...