Tuesday, August 16, 2005

poop, blood and kids

Ever been really embarassed by the stink you've left behind in the toilet after a dump?

Ever had to choke back your breakfast/lunch/dinner when walking into a toilet where someone *else* is either taking or has just left a stinky dump?

Well, if a new product is to be believed, stinky poop will soon be a thing of the past! Yeah, stumbled across a mention of a new product called "Whiff"... according to the website "We use underarm deodorant and we brush our teeth to avoid offending others with B.O. and bad breath. And we sure hope everyone else does the same, right?" so they ask for us all to "Take A Whiff" so that "Together, let's create Whiff Nation and make our world smell better!." They are completely serious about it...

... so keep an eye (or nose?) out for this product folks... maybe if they put it in the water we all drink in Malaysia, it may help solve the problem of stinky public toilets of Malaysia? Oh wait, people hardly drink piped-in water, no thanx to the poor water quality... darn!

Anyway,,, of course, thanx to Google, I found some related sites that I would never have known existed related to our poopy bodily function...

I held my breath and dove into one: The PoopReport.com with taglines of being your #1 source for your #2 business or The Intellectual Appreciation of Poop Humor.

Found an entry in one of the PoopReport forums where readers are asked for ideas wrt polite messages for a person making stinky dumps to use the air freshener (a poop equivalent to "if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be neat and wipe the seat"). There were some GREAT ideas... do look them up HERE for a good laugh.


on a slightly-related note (bodily functions)... I also stumbled upon a 'feminine hygiene product' that has me quite surprised: never heard of "mooncups" before... here's a blog set-up by someone who wants to spead the word to malaysians (m-cups.blogspot.com), and here's another website for a similar product (The Keeper). Anyone wanna try it out?


and on a totally different note: the college kids must be back in town already, and bored and therefore getting online since classes don't start till next week: tried for 20mins to dial-up before giving up this morning... even this stint online came about from a half-hearted attempt to check if I could just *get* online!! And I did. And so here's my half-assed (haahahahh!) blog article before I get cut off... next blog may only be in a few days... we'll see....



  1. Enjoyed your site! Will definitely be back. Thanks for stopping by samiam.com!

  2. Thanks for referencing my site. Hope you get interested enough to try a cup - Keeper, diva or moon! :)

    If you want some independent 3rd party experiences of the cup you can check out the ladies at this forum: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=11036&page=1

  3. Thanks for visiting my site and your kind comments...i like your site.
    best wishes from New Zealand.

  4. LOL, what a topic. You know what would be better, if they invented something that rids the smell of vomit. I nanny and have a heck of a time cleaning puke as I tend to gag myself and don't want to be doing double the work in cleaning my own barf. Pretty gross.

    I will be back as your site's interesting and if you're interested in my site, maybe we can blogroll exchange???


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...