Friday, July 14, 2006

audience participation required!

Got this from Dariush Shafa:

It's an unusual meme in the sense that it needs audience participation.

Here's the deal. If you comment here:

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. I'll pick a song that reminds me of you.

And how does this propagate?

Well, u drop me a comment, I'll respond with those 8 points, and in "payment" YOU post this same deal on YOUR blog.

Kinda cool, eh?

I'm wondering how this will turn out.. so come on, get those comments in!



  1. I actully hate memes but I guess I am in. ;-) First one to comment.

  2. Hmmm, this looks interesting. Shoot! :-)

  3. Adam> heehehe well glad u overcame yr hatred for memes for this most unusual one! :-) It is, after all, a great challenge for me... but let's see how this goes...

    1. RANDOM: You helped me educate myself a bit more on the "i love you" vs "satanic" sign on a recent post

    2. CHALLENGE: this is a bit of a cheat cos it was featured prominently by Dariush: i challenge u to post just a wee bt more often that u have in the past. *grin!*

    3. COLOR: blue. like the logo that appears on the tab when i load your blog page :-) used to say "OK" (or was it OK LAH?) and now is juat "A")

    4. LIKE: i like the simplicity of your posts. i feel you're writing for yourself, as opposed to posturing for what you think "people out there" want to read.

    5. MEMORY: Stumbling across yr blog while checking out the MyCen blog directory.

    6. ANIMAL: tough one, seeing as i don't usually associate people with animals, heeehhee!

    7. QUESTION: what on earth is that picture u use as your blogger avatar?

    8. SONG: gotta be Hotel California by the Eagles.. but the live version from teh Hell Freezes Over album (i *assume* that's the album u got cheap-cheap? that's the only live version i know, and i'm amazed u haven't heard that version before).

    (if these responses are weird, it's not *just* the meme or just me... it's me plus vodka plus Milli Vanilli, heehehehe!!)

  4. SG> i figured you'd be the first to comment on this one, was totally surprised Adam beat ya to it! :-) here goes...

    1. RANDOM: I was kinda jealous that kevin had dropped a line in your blog (and not mine) about the Lost Bloggers thingy.. but hey, i participated anyway and found a bunch of kewl bloggers to add to my list, whoohooo!

    2. CHALLENGE: I challenge ya to look for the silver lining in any/every cloud that comes your way (okay so u do that most of the time, but you've been down recently, so maybe this'll help?)

    3. COLOR: ummm.. grey?

    4. LIKE: I like that you take the time to drop a comment almost every time u visit.

    5. MEMORY: Stumbling across ya via Opty's blog: noticing ya precisely because u had a [supportive] comment in practically every post she had at that time :-)

    6. ANIMAL: errr... that Hush Puppy type dawg that's currently on yr blog?

    7. QUESTION: what ultimately caused the divorce? [as if there's ever just one simple answer, i know... ]

    8. SONG: urgh somehow this is tough.. no one song in particular.. i do remember that you had a COOL "oldies" playlist on your iPod tho :D

  5. Hehehe, yeah I know, somebody beat me to it. Okies, so it's my turn to post this comment and my replies, right? :-)

    Oh BTW, have a nice weekend.

  6. I am curious about this too... :-)) Third to comment... My ecuse: was away in Austria for the weekend...

  7. Posted up my responses.

    as for 7. That's a pic taken underwater a few years ago while snorkelling off Pulau Kapas.


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...