Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Update on the forked tongued situation

Good news:
Yesterday I got (verbal) confirmation from my ex-employer that the redemption sum paid to them was RMWXYZ less than what was stated claimed by Rahar/the firm last week.

Bad news:
Yesterday also found out that Rahar was on leave for a few days! Argh!!

Was a bit bummed, but figured hey, this gives me good reason to just escalate the matter instead of dealing with Rahar: turns out it got escalated for me, I suppose the fax turned up on the boss’ desk, cos this afternoon I received a reply from da boss himself!

Here are some choice snippets:
“… we apologise for the confusion with regards to the balance of the Purchase Price…”

“… we had inadvertently included Bill No [xxxx] for the sum of RMWXYZ to the total redemption sum payable. The bill was in respect of our professional services rendered to you in this matter…”

“… assure you that you have definitely not been “short-changed” in this matter at all…”

“inadvertently”?? – hah!!

Snippets of my reply:

“… thank you for your fax… which attempted to clarify the discrepancy of RMWXYZ…”

(I proceeded to provide a brief description of being quoted RM800-ish in July, being slapped with a bill of RMWXYZ+800-ish in August, and being asked to pay only the RM800-ish in October, enclosing the estimated bill and the final bill to prove my case)

“… En Rahar, speaking on behalf of your firm, had informed me that the RMWXYZ was waived …”

“...that your firm is now claiming this amount is very disturbing…”

“… I hope you understand why I feel I do NOT owe you the RMXWYZ, and still expect to be issued a cheque for this amount as soon as possible…”

“…this should now be an internal matter between the firm and Rahar…”

Nothing personal against Rahar… but really… as far as I am concerned I do NOT owe them any $$$. If the firm is to be paid, take it out of his pocket, not mine!

Let’s see what the reply is gonna be...

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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...