Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Currently Reading: Susanna Clarke

After devouring Stephen King's Dark Tower series, followed by rereading the 7-book Death Gate Cycle by Weis & Hickman in less than 2 weeks (the delay being due to having to wait for one of the books at the library), I was kind of at a loss as to where to turn my voracious appetite next.

I know Kosh has been trying to get me to read the rest of the Dune series: even supplied me with the 1st book, which I read the first book sometime last year. Found it nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be... however, I wasn't impressed enough to want to go on to books 2 & onwards, tho I guess I will find myself at least perusing those tomes sometime in the near future...

Jonathan Strange & Mr NorrellIn the meantime... I came across this book (see right) in the library, and decided to check it out. I remember being intrigued by this book when it came out, but somehow I wasn't going to risk buying it. I just LOVE having a public library that is so well-stocked in my kinda books!! ;)

So yeah, here I am, making my way through "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell," which happens to be Ms Susanna Clarke's debut novel. Amazing work for a debut! Ok, so I am *just* at pg 126 (out of ~870 or so) after about 3 days... and I am actually impressed that I am having to take this tale s*l*o*w*l*y ... I enjoy the build-up, and hints of things to come as indicated by footnotes referring to Jonathan Strange and his opinions the topic at hand, when in fact we have yet to officially meet this person.

So just as a heads-up: I may be quiet for a few days as I make may way through this book.

You can read more about what's caught my attention through these links:
- website by author Susanna Clarke here
- amazon.com page here


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...