Monday, July 04, 2005

Memories of Coke (added pic)

1. Coke vs Pepsi?
I remember a long time ago my aunt saying she had taken part in a Coke/Pepsi taste test, organized by either Coke or Pepsi, I can’t recall: she was one of those that liked the taste of the rival brand, and so the organizers were quite miffed at her. Teehee!

If it had been me, I’d have gone for Coke, definitely!

Pepsi has that horrid aftertaste… and that’s regular pepsi! We’re not talking about all the ‘lite / diet’ products yet!

2. NewCoke
Coke had its fiasco with NewCoke: I dunno if it ever made its way to Malaysia, but I certainly never did get to taste it. My regret wrt this product is that the first virtual V-J, the stuttering Max Headroom, had been tied-in to NewCoke, so when the product died, so did poor Max :( I really liked him/it/whatever…

3. Coke and the Europeans
I remember that the only place I’d ever see Coke served with a slice of lemon was in Europe, and I’d hate it – spoilt the taste!

4. Coke and salt?!
Then there was my brother who at one stage of his life would pour salt into his glass of coke to get rid of the carbonation. Errrr didn’t that also turn it salty?? Ewwwww! I remember visiting relatives in Switzerland, they served me Coke, and handed a very puzzled me the salt shaker, assuming that I, like my brother, would ‘de-carbonate’ the drink!

5. Caffeine and Coke
This is ‘understood’ today, but when I was still in school, we had no idea that these sodas contained caffeine, nor what its effects were on us. But once I found out, I guess it would explain the many time me and the ‘gang’, around Form5 or just after, would be in ‘our’ corner of McDonald’s @ The Weld, cracking all sorts of silly jokes, finding them funnier than they really were, laughing so hard we could hardly breathe,,, I’m guessing we were high on Coke there :D

6. The Diet Era
Ah yes, the diet soda era… ‘just one calorie’ was a tagline for DietCoke, I think. Dunno when I first tried a taste of one of them drinks, but o*m*g they sucked!!! Anyone who has seen me take a hit of their DietCoke or (Diet)Pepsi, whether plain or lemon or lime or vanilla flavoured, will remember my reaction :p Talk about horrendous after-taste!!

My situation (then):
I will always like regular Coke. However, I also acknowledge that regular coke is choc-full of sugar and caffeine and other junk and high in empty calories.

Some of that could be ‘mitigated’ by switching to a diet version (still high in junk, but at least no calories!), but, well, can’t stand the taste.

Worked out quite well overall though: for the longest time I drank absolutely no soda, tho the increase in coffee intake would probably have its own effects on the system! And it’s not like I drank much water or anything, so I’d keep myself plenty dehydrated anyway :p

My situation (now):
I’ve been really good in the last year or so in trying to drink 2L water a day.

Also, I suppose the CocaColaCompany knew of many people like me, and worked hard to get us back to being their customers.

So about a year ago, they came out with “C2” : a product that tastes very close to the original Coke, but with half the calories (70cals, 18g carbs); I think it’s made with both sugar AND nutrasweet. Didn't taste half bad... uh oh, I found myself drinking soda again…!!

And now… it looks like they’ve finally gotten the breakthrough they were looking for…. CocaColaZero! This is what the original DietCoke was supposed to be! Ok ok so there is a slight cloying aftertaste, could be they were slightly heavyhanded with the syrup or something, but no matter, it’s definitely drinkable :) and best of all: zero cals, zero carbs :)


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