Friday, December 25, 2009

Chez Naranek's year-end newsletter

Life After Work be taking a blogging break until 2010 rolls around.

In the meantime, here is chez Naranek's first-ever year-end newsletter that we just sent out to those on our snail mail list, so *SPOILER ALERT* for those who (think they) are going to be receiving something from us, because I'm sharing it with my dear blog readers (including those who read this via Facebook!) ... just please excuse the [revised / redacted parts], k?

Names and locations have been changed to protect the not-too-innocent :)

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Seasons Greetings from Springfield, IL!

The past several years have been quite tumultuous for [chez Naranek], and we have sorta lost touch with many of you – so we are caving-in and sending out our first attempt at a “year-end newsletter” to bring y’all up to speed and (re-) establish contact.

As many of you know, we have recently relocated after about three years in Chicago. [Kosh] had begun surgery residency at [a hospital in Chicago], while Lynne jumped through the hoops to establish permanent residency status, and started laying down roots with her meditation group, random language and pottery classes, and some volunteering. [Things were rather uncertain for a while there, but things worked out such that we are now in Springfield, and should be here for a few years]... That is, unless the world DOES end on December 21st 2012... :D

We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary in September by completing our move from Chicago to Springfield (our second move in only 3 months!). We’re settling in to town now, and most of the boxes are emptied – although the décor is still predominantly dorm-chic. When we build up enough stamina for another move we’ll consider buying a place down here, but for now we are very happily renting a turn-of-the-century apartment in a historical neighborhood of Springfield. [Psycho kitty] is also settling in well – although she still hisses at the couple of outdoor cats that come peeking in our kitchen window.

Work has kept [Kosh] pretty busy, but thanks to Lynne’s twittering we have managed to meet up with a number of locals and experience some facets of Springfield, such as the local music scene and the Horseshoe. We look forward to exploring some other local interests like all things Lincoln, Route 66, and the Frank Lloyd Wright house. After the hustle and bustle of Chicago, we have found Springfield to be a pleasant change of pace.

We hope you all have a great year-end season, and send our very best wishes for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Ma’al Hijrah and/or any other holy-days you may (or may not) be celebrating at this time. Please keep in touch and let us know how y’all are doing! We are both available on Facebook, or you can read about our adventures on Lynne’s blog at, while Kosh posts occasionally to [bleeeep!] – we’d be happy to “see” you there!

Best wishes for the New Year – have a great 2010!!

Kosh & Lynne Naranek

If you think you should be on the snail mail year-end list for 2010, please drop me a line, k? In the meantime, please celebrate safely and responsibly... See y'all on the flip side!


  1. If you're gonna redact, do it right, with big black blocks where text used to be. That leaves us wondering what was removed and piques curiosity. C'mon! Pique me!

    Merry Christmas or whatever you want to claim from your list to you two crazy Springfieldites!

  2. Happy New Year 2010 to you and hubby! I'm glad we finally got to meet face-to-face in 2009 :)


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...