Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday Waffles

Why waffles, u ask? Heh. Actually I've been in the mood for "breakfast food" for a while... one of these days we are going to end up at IHOP or something for a meal, I just know it!! Not necessarily for waffles, though - crepes have been on my mind since forever. Cheese blintz.... mmmMMmmMmmmmMMmmm!!

On to other news..

E-book freebie!
Scott Adam's "thought experiment" God's Debris is available for free, in e-book form, here. No strings attached. He figures if people read this for free they'll be more likely to be willing to pay for his other non-Dilbert books. We'll see. I've downloaded it, but haven't done anything eilse with it at the moment. But thought I'd spread the word, while I remember.

Brain Teasers!
What do the following mean? [highlight the space between the "(" ")" for answers]
(foreign language)

beating bush beating
(beating around the bush)

issue issue
issue issue
issue issue
issue issue
issue issue
(tennis shoes)
Plenty more here. Have fun!!

Autumn Cleaning!
This morning I started cleaning up stuff in the kitchen. Wiping down all the countertops. Washing the drainboard. Stuff like that. For some reason, it escalated into sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the entire apartment.

Tomorrow's laundry day: that will probably escalate into finally rearranging the closet contents. Not complaining, just amused.



  1. Good girl Lynne for cleaning and stuff. I wish that me cleaning the counter would escalate to more cleaning... Mine usually excalates into me sitting down, being lazy. Hmm... Bummer.

    Have a good weekend!

    Hugs Monsoon :-)


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...