Tuesday, November 01, 2005

You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish!

Yesterday I opened a can of baked beans.

Kitty rushed to the kitchen, and started mewling and begging ... reaching for the countertop... making a total nuisance of herself

When I put down the emptied can on the floor to sniff, she gave me this hurt and disappointed look, and sulked for a while.


Cos she thinks every can being opened is a can of tuna.
Cos she gets the "tuna water" everytime we open a can of tuna.

I felt kinda bad seeing just how enthusiastic she was... so this morning I made it a point to put a can of tuna and the can opener on the kitchen counter, to remind me that if I had no immediate food choices for the day, it wouldn't hurt to do a tuna dish.

Eh. Ended up craving carbs more than protein: had bagel. and pizza. yum :p

She may get her "treat" tomorrow then :)


I *did* have a healthy breakfast of what I've decided to call "appled salad"

There's this bag of green apples that's been sitting in the fridge since forever.

I'm one of those who likes fruits, but it's gotta be calling my name, then I'll eat it... otherwise it can stay till it rots ... I've felt bad about that poor bag of untouched apples... and when, during the time I was with my bro in switzerland, he prepared his salads with diced apples mixed in, I knew I'd found inspiration on how to utilise that bag o' apples. whoohooo!

Granted, having a roasted garlic vinaigrette dressing with the apples is a bit weird at first, but then again, it's not bad at all!


LOL! Seeing me type "not bad" reminds me: Kosh's dad had a slight problem with my describing his vodka tonic as "not bad" this past weekend: not used to someone not apeaking direct/bluntly, i suppose. Well, it's probably ingrained in me not to "commit" to anything, even to something I like... so saying "it's not bad" is actually pretty good for me. How did such a habit get ingrained? I think it's all about the upbringing... feeling as if I'm better off not commiting to anything otherwise it can be used against me. Yeah, weird childhood I had. Have already had some discussions with Kosh on that, but i've yet to be able to explain myself much beyond that. If I get some inspiration, I'll probably blog about it. If/When I have enough fodder for a proper article :p


See y'all tomorrow!

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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...