Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Color me ... restrained?

H/T Dawn for pointing out this Color Quiz.

I took it twice: the first one seemed relatively on target, but I also felt I'd thought too hard about my choices, so i went ahead and took the test again while giving it almost no thought.

Here are the results:
Existing Situation:
1. Volatile and outgoing. Needs to feel that events are developing along desired lines, otherwise irritation can lead to changeability or superficial activities.

2. Is seeking a solution to existing problems or anxieties, but is liable to find it difficult to decide on a right course to follow.

Stress Sources:
1. An existing situation or relationship is unsatisfactory, but she feels unable to change it to bring about the sense of belonging which she needs. Unwilling to expose her vulnerability, she therefore continues to resist this state of affairs, but feels dependent on the attachment. This not only depresses her. but makes her irritable and impatient, producing considerable restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer.

2. Delights in the tasteful, the gracious, and the sensitive, but maintains her attitude of critical appraisal and refuses to be swept off her feet unless genuineness and integrity can be absolutely vouched for. Therefore keeps a strict and watchful control on her emotional relationships as she must know exactly where she stands. Demands complete sincerity as a protection against her own tendency to be too trusting.

Restrained Characteristics:
1. Circumstances are forcing her to compromise, to restrain her demands and hopes, and to forgo for the time being some of the things she wants. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Sensitive and sentimental, but conceals this from all except those very close to her. Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.

2. Feels she is receiving less than her share, but that she will have to conform and make the best of her situation. Feels cut off and unhappy because of the difficulty in achieving the essential degree of cooperation and harmony which she desires. Feels that things stand in her way, that circumstances are forcing her to compromise and forgo some pleasures for the time being.

Desired Objective:
1. Unwilling to participate and wishes to avoid all forms of stimulation. Has had to put up with too much of a tiring or exhausting nature and now desires protection and noninvolvement

2. Seeks freedom from problems and a secure state of physical ease in which to relax and recover.

Actual Problem:
1. Anxiety and restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional requirements, have produced tension and stress. Her attempt to escape from these consists of creating at least an outward semblance of peace by refusing to allow herself to be involved.

2. Wishes to safeguard herself against criticism and to entrench herself in a stable and secure position; but is herself inclined to be critical of others and difficult to please.

I think it's interesting that both times the "Restrained Characteristics" mention circumstances forcing me to compromise, restrain and forgo some things for the time being. The way it's worded might make it seem like a bad thing, but it's not: it's just a necessary consequence to the path I've chosen to take... After all, I *am* still very much in limbo for a variety of reasons: Kosh and I still have no idea where we'll be at this time next year. Once that question is answered, I should be able to un-restrain myself ;-)

And when that happens... watch out world! LOL! :-)

p/s .. I am posting this at a few minutes past 12 midnight... so please allow me to wish those who mark it, a


  1. Hi there Lynne! I took the test too, only mine didn't include so much writing. Some was very true though, must admit.

    I might post the result.

    Have a good day Lynne!

    Love Eilen/Monsoon

  2. happy samhain to you as well.

  3. The result shows that I tend to perform good sex in term of hiding my sorrow, in that case I don’t mind being sorrowful, LOL


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...