Monday, August 25, 2008

that'll teach the pussy to eat hair...

... the last time we visited the in-laws, among the random conversation topics was how, when very young, Kosh's sister needed a suppository, I forget for what reason, and his dad went on about how it wouldn't stay so the doc told them to "hold her butt cheeks together" for 15 minutes or something, and how he had to do it because my MiL just didn't have the heart to do that to a screaming child.

why, you may ask, do I bring this up?

because I had a similar, rather traumatic experience this weekend, involving a "child" and its butt!

... so once in a while the psycho kitty has trouble getting her poop all the way out, and ends up scooting across the floor, leaving sine waves of poop smears as she struggles to remove the turd by friction.

... so over the weekend Kosh heard her behaving funny as she emerged from the litter box, went to check and then I hear "What are you doing??? What are you doing???? Hey Lynne? She's making sine waves again!!" He the proceeds to lift her up off of the couch where she'd just fled to under his scrutiny. Ummm... now what? Since he was doing the holding, I, fun fun, I had the honor of taking a piece of tissue and pulling the turd out of the cat's butt! ... And oh my, she was SCREAMING at me as I tried to get a hold of the thing, not even pulling yet!! Seemed to take forever but it was probably over in just a minute - slowly pulled the turd out... only to see that it seemed to be attached to her by a long strand of hair. We assume that's the culprit.

I have ONE bit of advice for you, cat: DON'T EAT MY HAIR!!


  1. Aww! Poor thing. Good thing you were brave enough to help her out. A lot of people probably wouldn't be!

  2. LOL. Don't know if I should laugh or run... :-)

  3. Yeap, the things we do for our"kids"!!


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...