Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Whoohoooo! It looks like what I churned out last week was accepted with the most minor of teeny tiny edits. So I should be "published" next month! Whoohoooo!
Okay so the article itself was just an overview of a particular institution*.

And it's not a famous/national magazine with a large circulation or anything. In fact, it's a "for distribution to members only" magazine, the members being people and organisations within the industry* I used to work in.

And *i* am not happy with what I wrote: it could do with a few more rounds of refinement, as far as I'm concerned :p

* (sorry - I ain't naming names :p )
But hey, it's a start :-)

After all, it's still a proper publication, and can boast of readership within the international / expat community, not just local, eh?

And this start was impressive enough for me to be approached to work on another article already. Pretty cool, huh?

But: show me the $$ from this first one before I commit to another, k?

Anyways, I just submitted my "self-blurb" to be attached at the end of the article.
A Chemist by qualification, an Organisational Behaviourist by experience: [Lynne] enjoys observing and understanding interactions - whether on a molecular or societal level. This is her first contribution to [Magazine Name].
We'll see if the magazine deems that "suitable" lah. Their suggestion was:
[Lynne] spent her formative professional life at [Company Name], and now puts her experience gained to use in writing on the [beeeeeeeeeeeeeep!] industry.
I *so* prefer mine. (duh!) Just wish I could come up with a better word than "societal". :p



  1. If you don't like societal, then use: UMMAH.

  2. hmmm, doesn't *quite* fit with what I'm trying to say... but thanx for the suggestion!

  3. Congrats! Is thesi the first step down another road? ;-)
    All the best.
    Oh yes, and I think that your blurb's better too.


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...