Friday, May 05, 2006

A Tale of a Malaysian Breakfast

I saw it scurrying around in the corner.

Kept an eye on it.

If it came closer to me, I’d stomp on it lah. Otherwise, well, let’s just keep an eye on it.

    When “confronted” with things like this, I take the time for a little acknowledgement and thanks for not being one of those people who have this extreme phobia of roaches: who, if in my situation right then, would have already fled screaming out of the shop in terror, or be standing on the chair and freaking out, or something.

    I’m also glad that I was there alone this morning, without any of people I know who “suffer” from this condition!

So I calmly kept an eye on the critter.

It scurried here, scurried there, making little attempts to perhaps climb the wall, then back down, then scurried there and back again… always keeping right there where the floor meets the wall.

Then it decided to climb. For real.

By the time it had reached about table height, I had already signaled to one of the waiters, and pointed out the roach.

    Remember, this is a restaurant – you can’t just wield a can of insect spray with all the food around. And yes, for those who are now cringing at the thought – yes, a roach, in a restaurant. Malaysia Boleh maaaaah!

So the guy kinda flips it back down on the floor, stomps on it, then slides/kicks it away from the corner, where another waiter has prepared a piece of paper: get the mofo on the paper, wrap it up, throw it away, all done, case closed, game over.


The end.

Have a good weekend.

And try not to think about roaches on walls, ya?



  1. Roaches, spiders, rats as big as a small cat and other wriggly, crawling bugs. Part of the overall Malaysian eating experience. ;-)

  2. Well at least it's not a swarm of flies hovering above your food while you eat....

    Have a great weekend, lynne. :-)


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...