Monday, October 17, 2005

... to cook a pizza ...

... shouldn't be that difficult, right?

But if it's your first time trying out the oven since moving into an apartment, sometimes things just don't come easy...

The oven wasn't heating up.

Took us a while to realise that.

Looked for instruction manual for oven - bro was sure he'd seen it recently... but no go.

Went online to the manufacturer's website.

Couldn't find the model, even tho we typed in the model number taken from the unit itself.

Opened instructions for similar models (but with a different button layout), and determined that in order for the oven to work, the clock must be set.

next question would of course be How to set the clock?

well, most of these modles had a little button with the picture of a clock, which, when pressed, along with the + and - keys, would enable fixing of the time. The model in the kitchen didn't match that.

kept looking ... and looking ... and looking ...

*finally* found the instructions we needed to set the clock (it was *so* not obvious!!)... and once that was done... turning the knob for the oven actually switced on the light within. whoohoo! *now* we know what to look out for...

I'm curious... was that just an amazing little 'quirk' of that particular brand/company, or it "just the way things are" that if equipped with a digital clock, the clck mustbe set / running before an oven can work?

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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...