Friday, August 18, 2006

... a good start to the day

  1. slept till 830! [as opposed to being up at 5am lah!]

  2. went to the gym, did the x-train aerobics setting & used 303 cals in 30mins

  3. cleaned out kitty litter [ok so that's not *that* great a thing to do in the a.m.]

  4. had a bowl of salad [smothered with shredded cheeze & slightly drowning in garlic vinaigrette dresseing, so sue me]

  5. while eating, had the radio on: Genesis' Land of Confusion came on.. and reminded me of something *else* to hunt down on You Tube. If you've seen the video for this song, you know what I mean. [gawd I hope this doesn't date me too much, LOL!]

  6. got online and checked email: and got accosted by two video greetings from the Chief Kodok and the St Marians wishing me a happy birthday in advance [they had a reunion / birthday bash on the 13th... I was, of course, halfway across the world...]; thanx y'all!

  7. Then went to YouTube; found only one of the two specific items: so while the Ga-Baa-Chef / Mouth-Sheep-Tongue skit isn't there, the Don't Run Ron I've tried to describe to Kosh, is! Sit back and enjoy... Spitting Image!!

Now the NEXT best thing [after all those good things listed above] is if Kosh actually gets off of call at noon like he's supposed to.

... And if the futon guys call to say that it's ready for pickup.... and that it can in fact fit in Kosh's car... and that we can assemble it... and finally have a real place to watch TV from! ... and silly us, we're saving a bottle of champagne to mark the first real piece of furniture we've bought together.

No, we're not going to mark the futon with the champagne lah, silly!

Okay... off to shower now...


[hhheeeheh Kosh got back early! watching these vids now LOL. as braindead as heis, now he wants to search for Muppets stuff... helllpppp!! LOL!


  1. salad for breakfast?

    I skipped dinner last night and did one of those "throw something together" deals.

    I took a piece of rye bread and coated it with olive oil then grilled it, then rubbed it with fresh garlic.

    Took slices of grilled zucchini and layed them on top. More olive oil.

    Covered it with a couple slices of mozzarella and stuck it under the broiler.

    Sprinkled it with fresh black pepper and fresh basil.

    Wow. Now I'm hungry again.

  2. Chanakin> that sounds yummy! but too much work! :-)


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about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...