Saturday, January 21, 2006

are you a home owner?

One aspect of my sense of humor is playing with words...

Here's an example:
The tv was on in the background.
Some infomercial type thing came on.

A question was asked "are you a home owner?"
But the way it was pronounced, it sounded like "are you a homo-ner?"

So i said out loud: "Are you a gay-ner?"

Kosh was blur until i explained "you know... homo-ner, gay-ner... get it?"

Not only did he get it, he then, errr, "expanded" on it: "Hey, I knew a Gaynor once - he was an asshole"

I start laughing..

He adds: "Really! He was a jerk!"

Seeing its effect on me, Kosh digs up a few more: "He was a dick! A jock too!"

By this point I'm just howling with laughter :p

Okay, so it went well past the original play on words, but what the heck - it was funny while it lasted :-)


  1. what's so funny about homoner ler...

  2. formula3g: no... homosapiens r totally fine... nth wrong wif them... :Þ

  3. You hear things like me... There was an advert for a shampoo that proudly announced it contained 'semen rules'... they hastily redubbed it and now it contains 'sea minerals'...

  4. moxie - LMAO!!! that *is* a good one! btw, thanx for dropping by, hope to see you around often :-)


I'd love to hear from you, drop me a comment.

about two months later...

 ... hi again. This return to blogging is really not working out, is it? Actually, I am writing, three pages of mind vomit and affirmations ...